Z Page...
(17.6øN, 101.5øW)

Great snorkelling around the rocks in the foreground. Lots of damsels and surgeon fish, a foot-long boxfish and a largish octopus.

The Mercado Publico
(no supermarkets in Zihua. No Starbux, niether. Nice, huh?)

Needlepoint and open work. Dried meat.
Pasta, beans, rice. Bright yarn, old market
Pollos muertos. Frutas muertas
Mucho cilantro

Around town...

Typical bungalow with bananas. tourista loca
Local watering hole.

The two above are postcards painted by my friend, Toni Lopez Maracle.

You can buy her artwork and chat (en ingles, que quiere) at Byblos, Zihuatanejo's bookstore/newstand/hangout. Good people, good coffee: H Galeana #2 Co. Centro.

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  • last modified 8/22/99